6 year deviantART anniversary!

It's crazy that I've been on dA for 6 years now. Although I am not as active on the site as I used to be, I owe a lot to it. dA helped me to find other artists, and helped me to figure out the type of art that I love. It was the first online community that I joined for art. It's always fun to go through my old work and see how much I've progressed, how my style has changed, or how it's stayed the same. I started with a simple, cheap little point and shoot, and I didn't let anything stop me from creating images that I enjoyed. And it's so amazing how every single image that I look at, I can remember the exact moment that I took it, and how I felt during that period in my life.
Here are some images from the beginning of my posting on deviantART until now <3.

my first attempt ever making a photo manipulation.

still one of my favorite photographs of my sister and me <3.

this one just makes me laugh. i miss my baby <3.

my first shoot with my first dslr.

oh my goodness, baby marvin <33.

this image landed my first daily deviation, which i had wanted for so so long =).

and that's all for now! thank you so much to everyone who's supported me over the years. and an even bigger thank you if you've kept up with my work since the beginning. the fact that anyone enjoys my work makes me so beyond happy <3.

- savannah

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

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